The No-Code IoT platform
Launch Connhex and start building Node-RED™️ flows straight away. Just focus on creating the custom logic your application needs and let Connhex take care of the rest.
Flow programming inside Connhex
Access all of Connhex's features directly from Node-RED: by linking together function blocks you can build the perfect logic to suit your application.
Visual programming is the ultimate balance between complete flexibility and ease of use: why settle on a rigid off-the-shelf platform when you can build one perfectly tailored to your use case in a few minutes?
Leverage a rich ecosystem
Access thousands of community-created nodes to enjoy an additional boost in productivity. And yes, multiple nodes have been combined into flows so that you can deploy complete applications in a single click.
Need to send notifications, communicate through any sort of field BUS, save data to a database, write to a file, monitor resources usage? Node-RED can do this and basically anything you can think of.
Add your Javascript code snippets
For the times when a bit of code is essential, Node-RED has your back! It is based on Node.js - you can include as much Javascript as needed.
And don't forget about npm, the world's biggest package manager: you can use any Javascript library hosted there to speed up your application development.