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Getting ready for production

After creating your first Connhex Edge service, you'll most likely want to be sure that:

  • it will automatically start at every boot
  • it restart in case of a failure or unexpected exit.

One way to achieve this is to leverage systemd, a suite of basic building blocks for a Linux system.

Let's create a systemd service for our diagnostic service.

Creating a systemd service

Create a file called connhex-edge-diagnostic.service and put it in the /etc/systemd/system folder of your edge.

# Our service will start after the 'connhex-edge-agent' service,
# a core connhex-edge service that is automatically installed.

# The path where the source files for our service are located.
# Command used to start our service.
# For example: `/usr/bin/node /opt/connhex/diagnostic-service/src/index.js`
ExecStop=/bin/kill -s SIGINT $MAINPID


Launching the service

We can now start our service:

$ systemctl start connhex-edge-diagnostic

And automatically get it to start on boot:

$ systemctl enable connhex-edge-diagnostic
Systemd service configuration

If you want a more in-depth description of systemd, take a look here.

That's it!

Congratulations 🎉 You have completed every step required to install Connhex Edge, launch it, create a custom service and preparing it for production.