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Check Who the Current HTTP Session Belongs To



Uses the HTTP Headers in the GET request to determine (e.g. by using checking the cookies) who is authenticated. Returns a session object in the body or 401 if the credentials are invalid or no credentials were sent.

If you call this endpoint from a server-side application, you must forward the HTTP Cookie Header to this endpoint:

pseudo-code example
router.get('/protected-endpoint', async function (req, res) {
const session = await client.toSession(undefined, req.header('cookie'))


When calling this endpoint from a non-browser application (e.g. mobile app) you must include the session token:

pseudo-code example
const session = await client.toSession("the-session-token")


When using a token template, the token is included in the tokenized field of the session.

pseudo-code example
const session = await client.toSession("the-session-token", { tokenize_as: "example-jwt-template" })

console.log(session.tokenized) // The JWT

Depending on your configuration this endpoint might return a 403 status code if the session has a lower Authenticator Assurance Level (AAL) than is possible for the identity. This can happen if the identity has password + webauthn credentials (which would result in AAL2) but the session has only AAL1. If this error occurs, ask the user to sign in with the second factor or change the configuration.

This endpoint is useful for:

AJAX calls. Remember to send credentials and set up CORS correctly! Reverse proxies and API Gateways Server-side calls - use the X-Session-Token header!


Query Parameters

    tokenize_as string

    Returns the session additionally as a token (such as a JWT)

    The value of this parameter has to be a valid, configured Session token template. For more information head over to the documentation.

Header Parameters

    X-Session-Token string

    Set the Session Token when calling from non-browser clients. A session token has a format of MP2YWEMeM8MxjkGKpH4dqOQ4Q4DlSPaj.

    Example: MP2YWEMeM8MxjkGKpH4dqOQ4Q4DlSPaj
    Cookie string

    Set the Cookie Header. This is especially useful when calling this endpoint from a server-side application. In that scenario you must include the HTTP Cookie Header which originally was included in the request to your server.



    active boolean

    Active state. If false the session is no longer active.

    authenticated_at date-time

    The Session Authentication Timestamp

    When this session was authenticated at. If multi-factor authentication was used this is the time when the last factor was authenticated (e.g. the TOTP code challenge was completed).

    authentication_methods object[]

    A list of authenticators which were used to authenticate the session.

  • Array [
  • aal Authenticator Assurance Level (AAL)

    Possible values: [aal0, aal1, aal2, aal3]

    The authenticator assurance level can be one of "aal1", "aal2", or "aal3". A higher number means that it is harder for an attacker to compromise the account.

    Generally, "aal1" implies that one authentication factor was used while AAL2 implies that two factors (e.g. password + TOTP) have been used.

    completed_at date-time

    When the authentication challenge was completed.

    method The method used

    Possible values: [link_recovery, code_recovery, password, code, totp, oidc, webauthn, lookup_secret, v0.6_legacy_session]

    organization string

    The Organization id used for authentication

    provider string

    OIDC or SAML provider id used for authentication

  • ]
  • authenticator_assurance_level Authenticator Assurance Level (AAL)

    Possible values: [aal0, aal1, aal2, aal3]

    The authenticator assurance level can be one of "aal1", "aal2", or "aal3". A higher number means that it is harder for an attacker to compromise the account.

    Generally, "aal1" implies that one authentication factor was used while AAL2 implies that two factors (e.g. password + TOTP) have been used.

    devices object[]

    Devices has history of all endpoints where the session was used

  • Array [
  • id uuidrequired

    Device record ID

    ip_address string

    IPAddress of the client

    location string

    Geo Location corresponding to the IP Address

    user_agent string

    UserAgent of the client

  • ]
  • expires_at date-time

    The Session Expiry

    When this session expires at.

    id uuidrequired

    Session ID

    identity object

    An identity represents a (human) user.

    created_at date-time

    CreatedAt is a helper struct field for gobuffalo.pop.

    credentials object

    Credentials represents all credentials that can be used for authenticating this identity.

    property name* identityCredentials

    Credentials represents a specific credential type

    config object
    created_at date-time

    CreatedAt is a helper struct field for gobuffalo.pop.

    identifiers string[]

    Identifiers represents a list of unique identifiers this credential type matches.

    type CredentialsType represents several different credential types, like password credentials, passwordless credentials,

    Possible values: [password, totp, oidc, webauthn, lookup_secret, code]

    and so on.

    updated_at date-time

    UpdatedAt is a helper struct field for gobuffalo.pop.

    version int64

    Version refers to the version of the credential. Useful when changing the config schema.

    id uuidrequired

    ID is the identity's unique identifier.

    The Identity ID can not be changed and can not be chosen. This ensures future compatibility and optimization for distributed stores such as CockroachDB.

    metadata_admin nullJsonRawMessagenullable

    NullJSONRawMessage represents a json.RawMessage that works well with JSON, SQL, and Swagger and is NULLable-

    metadata_public nullJsonRawMessagenullable

    NullJSONRawMessage represents a json.RawMessage that works well with JSON, SQL, and Swagger and is NULLable-

    organization_id uuid4nullable
    recovery_addresses object[]

    RecoveryAddresses contains all the addresses that can be used to recover an identity.

  • Array [
  • created_at date-time

    CreatedAt is a helper struct field for gobuffalo.pop.

    id uuidrequired
    updated_at date-time

    UpdatedAt is a helper struct field for gobuffalo.pop.

    value stringrequired
    via RecoveryAddressType must not exceed 16 characters as that is the limitation in the SQL Schema.required
  • ]
  • schema_id stringrequired

    SchemaID is the ID of the JSON Schema to be used for validating the identity's traits.

    schema_url stringrequired

    SchemaURL is the URL of the endpoint where the identity's traits schema can be fetched from.

    format: url

    state An Identity's State

    Possible values: [active, inactive]

    The state can either be active or inactive.

    state_changed_at date-time
    traits identityTraitsrequired

    Traits represent an identity's traits. The identity is able to create, modify, and delete traits in a self-service manner. The input will always be validated against the JSON Schema defined in schema_url.

    updated_at date-time

    UpdatedAt is a helper struct field for gobuffalo.pop.

    verifiable_addresses object[]

    VerifiableAddresses contains all the addresses that can be verified by the user.

  • Array [
  • created_at date-time

    When this entry was created

    id uuid

    The ID

    status identityVerifiableAddressStatusrequired

    VerifiableAddressStatus must not exceed 16 characters as that is the limitation in the SQL Schema

    updated_at date-time

    When this entry was last updated

    value stringrequired

    The address value


    verified booleanrequired

    Indicates if the address has already been verified

    verified_at date-time
    via stringrequired

    Possible values: [email, sms]

    The delivery method

  • ]
  • issued_at date-time

    The Session Issuance Timestamp

    When this session was issued at. Usually equal or close to authenticated_at.

    tokenized string

    Tokenized is the tokenized (e.g. JWT) version of the session.

    It is only set when the tokenize query parameter was set to a valid tokenize template during calls to /session/whoami.
