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Update Logout Flow



This endpoint logs out an identity in a self-service manner.

If the Accept HTTP header is not set to application/json, the browser will be redirected (HTTP 303 See Other) to the return_to parameter of the initial request or fall back to urls.default_return_to.

If the Accept HTTP header is set to application/json, a 204 No Content response will be sent on successful logout instead.

This endpoint is NOT INTENDED for API clients and only works with browsers (Chrome, Firefox, ...).


Query Parameters

    token string

    A Valid Logout Token

    If you do not have a logout token because you only have a session cookie, call /logout/browser to generate a URL for this endpoint.

    return_to string

    The URL to return to after the logout was completed.

Header Parameters

    Cookie string

    HTTP Cookies

    When using the SDK in a browser app, on the server side you must include the HTTP Cookie Header sent by the client to your server here. This ensures that CSRF and session cookies are respected.


Empty responses are sent when, for example, resources are deleted. The HTTP status code for empty responses is typically 201.
